A Tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore

Below are some poems our students have written in tribute to the national treasure, Captain Sir Tom Moore. 

May he rest in peace.

Abigail Thompson - Year 8
Captain sir tom Moore such a great man 
For his 100th birthday had a great plan 
Which showed this nation what they could do 
And be a great man just like you 

He raised millions of pounds for a wonderful  cause
Which gave us all time to pause
And think what a national treasure he is 
And how he is very famous and how he starred in showbiz

So we thank you sir tom Moore 
For everything you do and back  in the war 
You are such a great man who will live in our hearts 
And now you are gone we wont make a start 
We will finish what you have achieved 
Because our nation all believes
We will conquer this virus in commemoration of you 
And show what the rest of this country can do 
Captain sir tom Moore we adore you greatly 
and we have done so much lately 
As we remember your great life and all that you did.
From when you were even just a kid  

We all remembered what you once did say 
Tomorrow will be a good day.

Amelia Bolek - Year 8

Captain Tom Moore,

What are brave soul you were,

A perfect man served his country and protected his lovers.

Many adored him,

So he stole their hearts,

When he did his many laps.

Oh Captain Tom Moore,

What a brave soul you were.

When the sun looked down on you,

 And the birds sang to keep you company on your journey,

You hit your goal of a 100.

You fulfilled your meaning of life and gave us many memories,


Oh Captain Tom Moore,

What a brave soul you were.

Aoife Kavanagh - Year 9

Yesterday was a sad day,

 a national hero died.

He raised more money for charity

then the people of years gone by.

Yesterday was a sad day, 

we lost a veteran of the war.

Who we all grew to love and adore.

Yesterday was a sad day,

we lost a man of great determination.

To lose him now to COVID is a tragic abomination.

Captain Sir Tom Moore you were a man of courage and grit.

You have shown us the values and morals of a true, inspiring Brit.

Yesterday was a sad day...

RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore.

Brinna - Year 8



Daniel Ahearn - Year 8

Dinara Galdikaite - Year 8

Captain Tom served us all,

What a great big hero ,

We adore ,

99 years of age ,

Taking the time out of your day ,

To raise 1k for the NHS ,

Saving us 1 by 1 ,

Walking 10 times around your garden everyday ,

We know you tried your hardest ,

How do we ever say thank you ,

“Tomorrow will be a good day.”

Holly-Marie Taylor - Year 8

Captain Tom your story began 

As a hero in the army

You carried it through to those who knew 

That you would one day become legendary

One man who touched so many 

So brave, so humble, so kind

You put yourself out there, for all of mankind

Raising millions through your determination

To heal our weary nation

Thank you Sir Tom 

For all that you’ve done

We salute you oh captain for your brilliant realisation.

Issy Hooper

Mahmoud Jalloh

Captain Tom the nation’s knight,

An army officer who was sent to fight,

Packing his things and walking in the night,

Taking care looking left and right,

And being sent to go in fright.

In the dark he was the light,

Not depressed saying it was alright,

Tom was optimistic despite,

Oh, the disease spreads globally tonight,

Money raised for the NHS that’s right.


100 years for he was a superstar,

0 people manage to get that far,

0 people survive the scars,

Yet Tom survives them all.

Even though he was old,

All the stories that he has told,

Right here, UK, he was bold,

Before he died his achievements were gold,

In the charities that he enrolled.

Right here, today he would say,

“Tomorrow is a good day”.

He was ready for the blazing fire,

Day and night, told to go for something higher,

And in the night he sings in a choir,

Yet he died of Covid-19.

Margarita Sanchez - Year 8

Mattea Hamill - Year 8 

Milosz B - Year 8

C ourageous just like in the War, he raised money for a cause like he fought for his country

A ccomplished so much in his life

P roudly helped his country and saved lives

T riumphant in his goal

A chieved his target in the end

I nspired many to do the same and benefited many

N oble and humble to everybody around him


T houghtful and Meek

O nce a soldier and now an angel

M assive inspiration to all and motivated many amongst him


R.I.P. Sir Tom Moore

30th April 1920 – February 2nd 2021

Niamh Cotterill - Year 8

Ocean White - Year 10

Let us not forget the compassion of Captain Sir Thomas Moore

A hero and a role-model who served throughout the war.

From India to Burma, he fought with bravery,

And even decades later, was still supporting our country greatly.

100 laps he completed for the vital NHS,

The thanks and appreciation are too vast to express.

100 laps later, he raised 20 million pounds,

Due to his determination, he is now globally renowned.

On the 2nd of February he peacefully passed away,

We all will remember his achievements, he’s a hero in every way.

Let us not forget the compassion of Captain Sir Thomas Moore

Whose excellence we will always adore.

Sadie Woods

 A man who’s body may not be young,

But his spirit forever strong.

Not always recognised for his valiant deeds,

But that didn’t stop the moment being ceased.

He fought for us all,

But through it didn’t squabble or squall.

The captain ran round his garden for charity,

Even when without prosperity.


He will forever be remembered,

 As a man with tenured.

Sir Tom is an inspiration to all,

His memory shall never fall.

You’re a hero inside,

Like captain Tom our valorous guide.

Ciara - Year 9

Year 9

Jonjo - Year 9

Sarah - Year 9