Year 7

Week Beginning - 22nd February 2021


Findlay Thompson:  

Urte Polianskyte:

Week Beginning - 8th February 2021


Student 1:

And I’m her next target..

With only seconds to think, I decided to do something that my gut tells me. I’ll try to attack this girl. Her sharp, silver knifes are focused onto my eyes as if I’m a witness to something. As she had turned around, I had noticed a knife fall out of her brown pocket. I had no other choice but to grab it and just challenge her. I knew this was going to be difficult. After all I’ve heard that she never misses a shot, I feel like this will be a Very dangerous challenge I’m doing. The girl had turned her back and stared her beady eyes onto me. 

She wanted a challenge. Her eyes were focused like someone was doing a hard test. She gripped her first, looking bloodthirsty, ready to fight. I tried to have my game face on. But I just look angry. I had my knife but then I thought

“ Should I really kill her”

She had her Vicious aim ready for her to shoot. Her knife had dropped. Whilst she picks up her knife, I wanted to give my aim. I was too late. She stood back up and was ready to battle. I felt frightened. No one to help me. My heart was beating so fast like the speed of light. But I didn’t want to be weak or a soar looser. I was up for this challenge. What shall I do now....? Will she kill me? Will someone come to rescue me? All these thoughts into my head. But they were just distractions.


Student 2:

With only seconds left I decide I grab the knife. The knife is covered with blood which is dripping as I walk towards her. For a minute I have a big wave of nausea but it goes away and right before I was going to throw it I thought, do I really want to hurt her? Do I really want to kill her? But it was too late…

I have already threw it and it was going in her direction….



Heat. Lots of it. More than you can ever imagine. Burning your skin, your lungs, your heart. That’s what did it for half the population. Then there was the hunger, a monster gnashing away at your soul. Not much food in a barren, dry desert, which was a problem as that is all there is now. All that survived doomsday. 

The city we live in – if you can call it that – was once one of the most famous in the world. No longer. The great lady liberty fell in a sandstorm. Times square was bombed by extremists. There is no central park. NYC. The big apple. New York. Whatever you called it, the words mean nothing anymore. 

My name is Striker Adams. I was only 13 when doomsday happened. Unlucky thirteen. Now I am 15. Two years full of horror and death. Two years of drought. And counting. 

I live with a girl called Decca, a haughty 14-year-old that didn’t care about rules even before the apocalypse. We were accomplices from the start. Over time, we grew to be friends. 

We thought we had been through hell and back. We thought it would be better from here on out. 

We couldn’t be more wrong. 


‘’AGAIN!’’ Decca shouted after she had knocked me down for the fifth time in a row. Close combat fighting isn’t my strong suit. Which is why I have the pistol. In the new world, only the toughest survive. Otherwise, me and Decca would have been captured and killed by terrorists months ago. 

Week Beginning - 1st February 2021


Student 1:

Student 2:

And I'm her target. 

I look around for a weapon to try to protect myself, you can never lose hope in this game. I take out the knife out of my deceased opponent’s back. It is covered in deep red, warm and sticky blood. The girl from district 2 started to gallop towards me even faster every second. Suddenly I saw something in the clear blue sky. IT WAS A KNIFE!  But it didn’t come from the girl from district 2 it came from behind her. The knife went right through her rib cage. The blood splattered all over the grass around her. I'm safe, but who threw the knife? Was she supposed to die or should it have been me?



I have seconds to decide what to do. The decision which determines life or death. She throws her knife at me but I dodge it, I pick it up and it plunges into her neck. It makes me sick. I have just killed a person. But I carry on, I run into the forest with guilt and worries, I know I have a long time of this ahead of me and I have to get my head in the game.

I see a boy I wouldn’t say he was any older than 17, I signal to him I won’t kill him, he is hesitant at first but then he came to his senses and realized it’s the best way of survival. To team up. We plan to find anyone that we think we could team with. All of a sudden, a girl comes out and starts shooting arrows at us. I need that bow. It’s my prime weapon, she looks delusional like she has no feelings, she falls to the ground, she has an arrow in her back.

With only a couple of seconds to decide if I live or die, I decided to grab the knife which was in the back of a fallen opponent. It was covered in his blood which was all over my hands and the knife itself. I felt a bit weak, I was about to through the knife at my opponent. I suddenly felt better and was focused on the massive task on hand.

Her bloodthirsty eyes stared into my stole as I was ready to through the dagger. I only have one chance to live. So, I launched the dagger in the direction that she was standing in. The precise aim was on point in desperate times. I thought to myself: Where is this dagger going to land in her body?


I ran. I ran as quick as I could, I turned to my side and Peeta was there, he looked scared. I looked behind me and she was closer than I thought, something shocked me, a rush of pain went through my left leg and it was one of her knives, I had to keep running even though the pain was indescribable.

I could hear her screaming at me and shouting, trying to make me scared and it worked but I had to keep running otherwise I’ll be dead and then the people won’t have anyone who will fight for them so that one day, hopefully, everyone can be free and we can all live happy lives.
I made it to Peeta and he threw his knife at the girl in the heart, the site of seeing someone die made me feel sick, though I had seen so many people die. I went to a pond to wash off the blood, sweat and dirt, when food came down it was sent from Haymich, maybe he saw what happened and realized I could fight, maybe everyone saw and then I would be a hypocrite for wanting all of this to stop even though I did it…myself.



This time, I ran faster than I ever could. I kept asking myself, “why?” I kept asking myself questions until I realised it was slowing me down and I knew that soon she would catch up to me. I couldn’t leave everyone back there.

I thought and thought and thought.  

In the blink of an eye, I made a quick turn back. I knew it was a bad idea but I couldn’t leave them there. I was astonished when I realised I had outrun her. But she was playing a game. She ran slowly for the whole time until I was out of breath, then she sprinted faster than me. She tried to stab me in the back but before she could do that I grabbed her arm and threw it back. Then before we even noticed we were fighting.  

I hit the knives out of her hand, and when she reached down to pick them back up, I ran back for the boy. I was assuming he’d be dead right now, but luckily, he wasn’t. He was in agonising pain. I soon realised that she had run away, she wasn’t chasing me anymore. I helped the boy up and we went back seeking for medical attention.  

Week Beginning - 25th January 2021


I froze. My eyes cried hot tears as I shook. My life wasn’t what I wanted. What I expected. What I yearned to have. So many people had died. So many people had been suffocated. So many people brought out their lives to sacrifice so that I may live. But why. Why should I live if I didn’t deserve it? At first, I thought it was a great plan. A great plan for me to have a happy plan. Instead, it was the opposite. My parents had died as well as so many other people. Was this really what they wanted. Was this really what I wanted?  


The water was rushing through the trees knocking them down like a tornado. I kept hold of a tree hoping I would survive. As for my family I was hoping they would survive as well... I could smell the dirt in the water the ground was trembling. I hoped this was all just a dream. Luckily, I found my son Lucas he was holding on to a tree as well. I tried my best to get over to him but the waves were too powerful and kept knocking me back. It was like the water would never end. I tried and tried over and over again but couldn’t get over to him. As for my other children they were nowhere to be found. The sky turned black as the waves started to go away. We started to look for other survivors. We didn’t have any luck until... 


You must decide what type of atmosphere you want to create (scary / mysterious / magical) and then consider the best techniques to use in order to achieve this effect. 

Amongst the ruins, there stood a desolate tree. The eerie silence and the tree which smiles at carnage overwhelmed me with a feeling of death. The monstrous mass towers over me, creating a shadow pool at my feet. A pine green sky was displayed on the bark of the tree with a silver moon shining brightly. It sucks the light from the world and craves for my soul. Its witch-like fingers contort over to its prey. It is proven that the tree whispers, whispers the macabre words of Lucifer himself. It was just me, the ominous tree, and the aggressive wind. Far off in the distance, were roars and rumbles of thunder. Spine-chilling, faint voices were cackling from all directions but there was still know no one in sight.  The tree looked as if it was a portal to another world! I could barely hear things moving and have a slight doubt that I was being watched… 


I sat at the piano for may what be the final time. My fingers gripped the keys of the piano knowing it could be my last time communicating with them. After all that has happened to me with me, losing my wife and losing my best friend to the war. I just miss my childhood. I miss playing with my favourite toy alongside my best friend pretending we were cowboys. When the trees were swaying in the wind with me and my friend bouncing and hopping around like wild animals. Oh, how I wish I could see her again for one final time or even sit at the piano and play our favourite songs for each other and how I wish I could smell her beautiful perfume for the last time. I really just wish I could see them both again.

Week Beginning - 18th January 2021



There I was standing in what felt like emptiness. the wind furiously charging at my feet, as I turned around sticks and leaves began to fly past me. Scratching at my skin and tugging at my shirt. I closed my eyes and imagined myself flying. My feet began to slowly lift of the ground, I let the wind take my weight and slowly lay back . I felt powerful, I felt alive. A light began to pierce through the stormy clouds and eventually through my eyelids. I opened my eyes, and I was standing in the middle of nowhere with scratches on my arms and sticks in my hair. I looked around. it was like it didn't even happen.



Using the opening line: There is blood under my fingernails. Create your own opening to a story aiming to engage the reader and create intrigue. 
Challenge: Aim to use as many of the techniques you have just found from the extract in your opening. 

There is blood under my fingernails. Panic, no I should be used to this by now, shouldn’t I? I knew it was going to come but I would have never imagined that this day would come this soon. It’s really here isn't it. I should go and ask the guards. They always know things, it can be creepy sometimes; but, oh well, they just have good eyes, I guess. Oh, they’re not in their usual spot. Wait… there he is. 

‘’It happened’’ I say in a panic.

‘’I know’’ he replies.

‘’ Has anyone been hurt?’’ I say.

‘’ Unfortunately, yes but not many and no deaths’’ he replies, lowering his head.

‘’And my family?’’ I ask. 

‘’It's been many years, you have to let go’’ he says. 

‘’ I know I just…every time it happens I just think they may return’’ I say, as I go along.  

I have to stop this. The lives of these people depend on it. But as I look outside my balcony I- no, no, it can’t be.....


The towering trees was all that remained in the earth planet. A lonely figure stood there by itself wondering if it would ever meet anther. It stood there despite the crazy disturbing chaos surrounding the area.


As I ventured deeper into the forest, I heard a voice. No, it wasn’t a voice, it wasn’t a whistle or a whisper, it was a song. I edged closer as it began to get louder, not even thinking about the danger I could be getting myself into. The song became louder and louder until suddenly, I saw them. I saw plain, brown boots. Were they just ordinary boots? Was this a trap? Why has the singing stopped? They looked so desperate to be worn, I just had to try them on. At this point, I never once thought about what these brown boots were doing there, or the fact that everything in the forest was starting to vanish. I walked over, excitement filling my body, I wondered what was so exciting about this! I took my silver slip on shoes off and placed them carefully on the ground, surrounded by what looked like fire! I placed the oh so beautiful brown boots on my feet, what a perfect fit! As soon as I tried them on, I noticed lots of things. I wasn’t in the forest. My own silver shoes were gone. There were angry people staring at me. I was in a circle of flames. I had been tricked. 

“How has she got the brown boots?” One man shouted.
“What’s a human doing here?” Said what looked like a half man half horse.
‘She’s going to betray us like the others!” Roared what looked like a half lion half woman. 
“Calm down, calm down all. My love, what is your name?” A kind woman asked me. 

“Erm, eh, Willow Brown. Can-“ I was interrupted by roars and screams.

“THE BROWNS??” “They killed my son!” “HIDE THEY ARE COMING BACK” some people screamed. I for one was confused about many things, who were these people, where am I and why on earth are they so afraid of my family? 

“Willow is it? Well then Willow, my name is Queen Christiana, and I am delighted to make your acquaintance.” Queen Christiana said, with a calm tone to her voice. 

“Your hon- high- oh I am so sorry! I am so confused why on earth I am here and all of these other questions about my family, may I ask what they have done to you all?” I asked her with fear in my voice. 

“Allocate , mi consul tele Willow Brown no consommé. as sin as sin, Oliver home.” Queen Christiana said to her people, what she said I had no idea. 

“Linguini translate would you?” She asked one of the children. “Of course your majesty” Linguini walked over to me, even walked through the fire without getting hurt! “Hi, Willow is it? My name is Linguini but you can call me Ling. What Mum, I mean Queen Christiana just said was: everyone, this girl is no threat, Willow Brown has no idea what her parents did. Please, please make her feel at home.” Ling said.

“Erm- wow. What language is that? Hi I am Willow” I trembled.

“Oh, I should probably get you out of there..” Ling blew the fire and it disappeared.  “How- what- you’re magic!” I mumbled, confused and amazed. 

“Sorry, nobody has shown you around have they?” Ling walked off.  “You coming slow coach?” She shouted from the other side of the field.

“Oh, yeah, sorry, should I keep these boots?” I shouted. “Yes yes, keep them on at all times and don’t give them to ANYONE, okay?” Ling shouted. “Okay! Wait up I’m not magic!” I laughed.

“Willow! Willow! Willow you’re going to be late! WILLOW! TIME TO GET UP! 

“Alright mum I’m up! Give me a chance.” 

I woke up, got out of bed and noticed something. “Nice boots Willow, where did you get them?” My sister Florence asked. I looked at my feet, there were the brown boots.