Writing Challenges

 Below are some entries from optional Writing Challenges set by the English Department. We are so proud of our students!

Pierre McKenzie - Year 8

Writing Challenge: Legacy

The Z Footprint

As I grow and think about the future, do you often think about what you will be leaving behind? I don’t mean a house or money; I mean the legacy of accomplishments. As a digital native, most of my time is spent on a computer and a lot of time playing games. I see our world transported to virtual reality, but how much is this worth? What does it all mean? And will I have anything to leave behind? It’s morning and a school day, I struggle to wake up and get out of bed, it only felt like a minute ago I was playing with my friends on the PlayStation, now I must log on to my laptop to see what assignments I have. It’s like I am living the existence of a computer science lesson, a network of electronic messages and files. One thing that is missing is human interaction. Approaching lunchtime is when I really wake up and get to eat some food, and then I escape watching TV or YouTube. I think about being an influencer or a blogger.  My aim is to aspire people when I am an adult, more than just media fame or being a celebrity. I want to help people and provide support, maybe leaving a lasting mark on people’s lives. It’s the value of each other that’s important, more than likes and followers. Suddenly, I come back to reality and realise again that I must not get distracted on my mobile phone and get on with my school work or I will miss my hand-in deadline.

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