Year 10

Week Beginning - 8th February 2021


Konrad Zeno



Week Beginning - 8th February 2021


Konrad Zeno: 

Ghost of Tsushima: The True Feeling Of a Samurai (SPOILER WARNING)

When I saw the ending the credits roll for Ghost of Tsushima, It was the first time I ever felt distraught about the ending of an adventure, When you see the ending for yourself, The only thing you will say to yourself for the next hour is, ‘Damn, what an ending’ and not in the bad way like you hated the ending but instead you will be in a rollercoaster of emotions going from sad to happy to sad to happy and so on. Basically, the only thing I can say in this introduction is that Ghost of Tsushima is an absolute masterpiece and you are only doing a disservice to yourself by not experiencing it.

There are so many things I want to say right now but first let me start with the story (Spoilers start here by the way). The game takes place in the late 13th century and the Mongol Empire has laid waste to entire nations in its campaign to conquer the East, Tsushima Island is the all the stands between mainland Japan and a massive Mongol invasion. Now that is just the basic summary of the game’s storyline and yet there is so much more to explain however, I would be here for hours if I were to explain everything but what I can say is that all of it is just outstanding and an absolute masterclass in how video games of this generation. In a world where we have trash like FIFA and NBA with their pay-to-win microtransactions basically sqeezing out every last penny out of your wallets, here we have Ghost of Tsushima showing everyone that masterpieces are not impossible and are actually worth making in the video game industry.

Another positive, I have to mention is the combat and oh my lord, it’s so good, I can’t stop blushing about it. So remember when I said the word Samurai in the intro, well that’s what you will feel like after just an hour or so of picking up your controller and swinging with that katana while absolutely destroying any foolish bandit or Mongol who dares to challenge you, just like the story, I can’t say much without going on for hours but just know that it is one of the best if not the best combat of all time.

Now you may be asking, ‘Are you going to talk about any negatives or what’ and your wish has come, well not really though because this game has like 2 minor negatives and even then they are just nit picks. First of all, the game uses the touchpad of the ps4 controller to do some minor things like emotes or calling upon the guiding wind to guide you to your destination which isn’t bad per say but performing the emotes can be quite hard at times like when you want to play the flute or take out your katana, it’s probably going to take multiple swipes to perform those actions. 

My second complaint is that climbing cliffs can feel quite sluggish at times, sometimes, I had to push my left stick multiple times to perform any actions which did frustrate me a tiny bit but like I said earlier it is an extremely minor negative and I think the only reason it happened was because of my subpar controller which wasn’t in a particually desirable state.

All in all, Ghost of Tsushima is a love letter to those who have ever wanted to see the closest thing to a perfect action, adventure game or just wanted to feel a proper samurai or a ghost who hides in tall grass and strikes their enemies from the shadows with a very engaging, harsh and realistic story to boot with only a couple of minor negatives stopping this game from becoming the incarnation of perfection and that’s why I am going to give it its deserved rating of 10/10 or 5/5 stars.

Keira Maher

Breakfast club

The breakfast club is a Teen drama currently on Netflix, this movie is all about five students with different mindsets. They all face detention in the library on a early Saturday morning, as time passes there pride and popularity starts to fade and they become close friends and forget who they are for that day (popular and nerdy) It’s confusing because they learn a lot about each other and wonder what will happen on Monday and the talk they had all together about what will happen on Monday, I feel like Claire was the only one who was honest but the truth hurts and it was sad to watch because it shows real life teenagers and how they care more about popularity then being true to themselves on who they want to be friends with no matter what.

The best thing about The breakfast club is that at the start they disliked each other and they all judged each other from way they look, what they’ve done in the past or what there known for etc: violence and from going to disliking each other to getting closer and to telling each other things friends would tell each other, obviously the part where some fell for each other. The Princess and the rebel, the Jock and the basket-case. The audience will immediately fall in love with the criminal John bender because he has a hard life and he doesn’t want to be the criminal and he has a good hard but he’s had it hard at home but he has a heart of gold even though it’s hard to see but he does. The moment you realise the part where they start to become close you will not be able to turn it off. It grabs your attention in the first 2 minutes of watching it, you will not be disappointed if you enjoy teen drama you would love it. The most interesting character is Brian, you go on to learn why he is in detention and his life and learn about the struggles. The iconic scene is the ending when John punches the air. The movie is leaving everyone thinking did they get together? I explain where the part I’m disappointed that they haven’t made a second film but it’s also a positive thing because it leaves your mind thinking and makes your imagination go wild and leaves you do make up stories I’m your head and to think what you want to happen if they ever did make a second movie. My favourite part of the movie would be the part where yes they do get high but they start dancing (detention dance) I feel at the point there just having fun and letting lose.

The only thing that disappoints me slightly was the ending it didn’t show much they just went there separate ways and went of home, if the film could have been improved it would be by making another movie and changing the ending topper a preview of what happened after that Saturday detention. Did they go back to normal? Did they ignore each other? So many questions with no answers. It leaves you questioning what happens next, some times that’s good for a movie to leave it on a cliffhanger or leaving your curiosity wondering what happened? Though the film is astounding, the one missed opportunity was the part at the end where it’s was a bit rushed, my favourite part is the ending but it felt a bit rushed they kissed and got into there cars and went there separate ways, I do feel like there could be a little bit more to the ending. It also feels like after detention they went there separate ways and went back to there normal lives. The ending shows a lot about what went on and what Saturday detention did and what came out of it.

Breakfast club is very similar to a book I have read called One of us is lying by Karen M.Manus. When I read the book the first time I fell completely in love with it and I know you will too, I don’t normally like reading but that has got me reading more books. As soon as I read it my first thought was breakfast club. The crucial difference between them both is breakfast club is just about detention and all about teenagers and high school and the difference things people go though and shows were not the same and go through different struggles, where One of us is lying is all about teenagers as-well and detention that’s where

the similarities are but the crucial difference is that in one of us is lying it’s about death and coming together to get to the bottom of the truth and along the way there secrets will all be out in the open one matter how long they wanted to keep it hidden the truth will always come out in the end. In detention someone dies and the jock, princess, criminal and geek all come together find out who killed him? The book uses multiperspectivity to show the points of view of all four student suspects. Lots of jaw dropping scene and getting hooked into it like an anchor, it’s like a ghost train things you wasn’t expecting jumping out at you around the corner. Lots of questions making your mind go wild with all the predictions on what will happen? If you’ve watched breakfast club you will love the book One of us in lying even more this time it’s a lot more mystery and suspense heading your way, it’s a lot more wild and crazy and all about teenagers getting blamed for a murder that they didn’t committed or did they?

I would recommend this movie to teenagers or to people who are in high school or just people who like old school movies and to watch this movie and realise that there are difference personalities in the world and not everything is about being popular or rich or famous just be yourself and don’t let people or popularity judge you or make you over look people just because they aren’t a popular or rich as you, be friends with someone who likes you for you and not materialistic things.

Star ratings = 5 stars


Emma Jackson 

You Know It Makes Sense! 

Only Fools and Horses. The comedy show that has left all others looking dilapidated, dreary, and dull. There is no doubt that it has decimated the scene. So, if you’re into a relentless misuse of French, a life filled with unexpected turns and corners, or half an hour of aching sides per episode: Only Fools and Horses is the show for you! 


Only Fools and Horses stars David Jason as a likeable rip-off merchant who runs Trotters Independent Traders (the initials need not go unnoticed!). Although Del Boy's cockney speech is riddled with malapropisms (such as saying goodbye with words like "bonjour"), he manages to con the public into buying (stolen) goods they don't really want. His gift of the gab comes in handy whenever he has to placate his gauche brother Rodney (Nicholas Lyndhurst), who, unlike Del Boy, happens to have principles.  


Rodney Trotter. The unfortunate younger brother who allows himself to be persuaded into the most hilarious, humiliating, and ridiculous situations, thanks to Del Boy. Yes, Del’s specious arguments and warped logic pay no heed to young Rodney. 

Del Boy, I’ve Burnt Your Bacon 

Then, of course, Grandad. Poor Grandad. Grandad leaves a lot to be desired as the third member of the ‘family’; often the butt of Del’s jokes, Grandad does mean well… But most of his time is spent watching his two televisions (yes, side-by-side).  

During the 1939, 1945 Conflict with Germany 

Sadly, Lennard Pearce passed away and so, Grandad had to be replaced. Uncle Albert was the culprit, whose experiences in the Navy have provided him with a limitless store of anecdotes that invariably begin with "During the war..." 

Where Do Only Fools and Horses Work? 

Well, I find it effortless to admit that John Sullivan is no fool. Or horse for that matter. His staggering viewing of 25 million+ viewers at the time of release, is no mistake. In fact, Sullivan addresses serious issues as well: the death of Grandad, Cassie's miscarriage, and Rodney's wedding. To say the least, you will find everything you ever need (or want) in Only Fools and Horses. 

You’re Cramping My Style, Trig, You’re Cramping My Style 

Of course, my favourite episode is the famous ‘Yuppy Love’ in which Del Boy falls through the bar! This top-notch comedy scene involves Del-Boy leaning on the bar flap. He then turns to Trigger where he is offered a stolen scotch egg from Trigger (so called because of his resemblance to a horse). In this process, the bartender goes out of the bar flap, leaving it up. Inevitably, Del Boy goes to lean back on the bar, and instead falls through the empty space. Comedy gold! I must’ve laughed for a solid ten minutes and I’m sure you will too! 

Chateauneuf du Pape 

Alas, there is a negative. Yes, a sole negative. Yes, Only Fools and Horses came to an end.  

I suppose you can’t really blame John Sullivan for ‘God smiling on him and making him die’, as Del Boy would say. 


In conclusion, Only Fools and Horses is absolutely laughter guaranteed. From building their own nuclear fallout shelter to smashing a 17th Century chandelier, it is a thing of legend. Can I give it an 11/10? 

Jack Owens:


Week Beginning - 1st February 2021



Melancholy Album Review 


Melancholy is a symphonic masterpiece when it comes to deathcore. From the band Shadow of Intent, Melancholy is an album about a wave of mass suicide controlled by a demonic goddess, The Gravesinger. Created at the end of 2019, Shadow of Intent outshone with this album, not a single bad song to the band’s name.  


Ranging from the short song Dirge of the Void at 3:19, to the 10:26 long The Dreaded Mystic Abyss, the album consists of all sorts of heavy music, fast paced drumming, grand symphonic elements and graceful guitar work, not to forget the brutal yet powerful vocals from lead vocalist, Ben Duerr.  


The album starts with the song Melancholy, a fast paced, interesting story telling symphonic sensation starting with Piano work to kickstart the depressing yet almost uplifting album. Then this leads onto Gravesinger, a short 4-minute song containing nothing but brutality, including the minute-long solo which is amazing, the song also includes all sorts of symphony that is almost hell like, bringing the death theme to life, throughout the album, the songs only get darker, heavier, and brutal. The final 2 songs on the album are potential the most hard-hitting songs on the album including my personal favourite song, Malediction, but the song before that, The Dreaded Mystic Abyss is 10 minutes of pure instruments, no vocals, just hell like, fast paced and beautiful instruments, taking the listener through a journey of learning what the album is really about. The final song, the denouement to the Melancholy album, Malediction is about a curse bringing the dead back to life, with possibly the grandest start to a song ever, the song is 5:14 of everything you want in symphonic deathcore, intense guitar, fast drumming, clean vocals, symphonic elements and not to mention a choir. 


The album lacks nothing other than symphony in some songs, but the heavy makes up for it, I would personally recommend this to people getting into deathcore or even sightlier heavier music than basic heavy metal and would rate the album 9.5/10 


F.R.I.E.N.D.S: The One with the Review 

Friends is a nostalgic TV show, that was run for 10 years. Many grew up with it and are still growing up with it. I’ve forced many to experience the enjoyment and laughter it brings. Only being 24 minutes each episode its easy to watch, you’ll be laughing hard and you won’t regret getting into it. I believe that this is one of the best shows around, so shall we get started? 

Started in 1994?! 

The first episode aired on the 22nd September 1994. This may baffle you. Its 25 years old! Yes. However, don’t judge it, have you seen it already? Is that why you are reading this review? Probably not. It ran from 1994 to 2004, being one of the many fast-growing popularity TV shows ever. Each episode starts with ‘The one where/with…’ and has something related with the episode like ‘The One with The Giant Poking Device or ‘The One Where Chandler Can’t Remember Which Sister’ etc.  

People describe it as one of the best sitcoms ever, most hilarious show and its worth watching. You must be wondering why is it worth watching? Or how is it so hilarious? That’s what I’m here to tell you. 

What’s so good about F.R.I.E.N.D.S? 

The show follows the lives of six reckless adults living in New York, with adventures of happiness and sadness and with trouble along the way. All 10 seasons, 236 episodes, 121 hours and 5428 minutes include all the journeys of Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross.  

The first episode starts off with Rachel leaving her fiancé at the alter and finding Monica, her old high school best friend, in a café called Central Perk. Probably me describing it isn’t very helpful, that it why you need to watch it, so you can experience the incredible show for yourself.  

The one where F.R.I.E.N.D.S is 25 years old 

It might still baffle you how old it may seem, however when watching it, its nothing like that. The laughter and joy that radiates from it is so unbelievable that it grew in popularity once again. You may be wondering why would a teenager want to watch it? But that’s it. All ages can watch it, from 10-year olds to 60-year olds. It doesn’t matter. 

Before I said it grew in popularity once again, that is because of our generation. It can be many peoples comfort show or a show to put on in the background while working. It’s a show for everything; you can miss many episodes and still get it. Like I said before, it’s easy to watch. 

Monica gives it a 5-stars 

You probably can guess what rating I would give it. 5/5. 

 Yes. I’ve said its good. Yes. I’ve included many other people’s opinions on how good it is. But you won’t know until you watch it for yourself. So, go on then, what are you waiting for. 



Week Beginning - 25th January 2021


 56 Pogba Road, 



127 Argos Avenue, 


Dear Manager, 

I am writing with great disappointment at the clear lack of professionalism and fortitude your company has shown over the handling of a recent purchase of mine. 

Recently, I looked to acquire a new phone as it was leading up to the festive period and my former phone had been showing faults. This then led me onto your website, as I had been a long-time buyer from your company, to go and purchase the new iPhone XR.  

Frankly, as soon as I set my eyes on the phone I was blown away by its sheer elegance and electronical greatness; it took me only 2 minutes to go out of my way to fork out the substantial fee the phone warranted, and I did so with gladness. 

However, a few days into using my device I started to notice that several faults began to crop up with the biggest one being its lack of ability to charge. This caused me great anger, nevertheless, I am still more than happy to accept a swift return of my money or an upgrade immediately as a I am willing to forget about this incident and continue being a willing buyer from your company. 

I am expecting a swift response. 

Kind regards ...

Week Beginning - 18th January 2021


Pupil 1: ASSESSMENT TASK: Imagine you are running to be Lead Prefect at school. You have been asked to deliver a speech to your peers about why you would be good in the role. Write your speech. (20 marks)

A prefect. Something everyone has heard of, yet not something everyone wants to be. To me, being a prefect is more than just a title that you are given. To me it is a position, a responsibility, a job that must be carried out effectively by someone. If it’s not, we as students begin to see no change and instead turn our boredom into anger, unmotivated to learn, unaware of the real problem that can so easily be fixed. When I was 5, starting my first day at primary school my teacher told me something I will never forget; “One day, you’ll become a prefect you’re all that good!”. Of course she wasn’t talking to just me, but that simple message, that simple statement has stayed with me throughout the course of my life so far to today – a real opportunity to fulfil what I believed I could so long ago. Of course, this mentality is about the only thing left of that 5 year old that is speaking to you today, but this prestigious position will give me an opportunity to actually incite change in our second home, whether we like to be here or not. This is a chance for me to improve the lives of every single person in this hall, making school a place of increased enjoyment, of better communication between everyone, and of course still having the high productivity that teachers love. That is my ideal description of school, wouldn’t you agree?

When asked about what the role of a prefect is all about, the same response is bound to be said in some way or another… someone that is mature and sensible and rational. Reasonable, suitable, or even practical. Don’t we all love Google? In my opinion this isn’t useful information, or a catalyst to sudden valuable support from everyone listening. To me, that is simply just a collection of words attempting to make you sound more impressive than you really are because, to them, that’s what a prefect is all about… being the most impressive. I couldn’t disagree more.

The passion, humility, and commitment associated with such a position is something that is valuable, it’s something that is useful and can give the reassurance that whoever you wish to vote for isn’t someone who you will become bored of hearing as the year draws to a close. This connection between the Lead Prefect and you as a member of this year is more important than anything. With the right bonds and relationships to be able to openly speak about any issues you may have, personally, or regarding the school, enables this vote not just to be for someone, but for everyone. In gaining your vote, you won’t be voting just for a single person, but for a united body of people including yourself, a year-group capable of assisting each other and substituting the struggling areas within the school to something more exciting and more rewarding, helping us all to achieve our full potential and truly enjoy the remainder of our time within this school. We all deserve a say; now more than ever we deserve to be heard.

I was told the person was more important than their speech when voting for someone. Now although this bewildered me, I guess I now have to do something to appeal to you all. I am someone who I would consider supportive, especially when someone is overtly down. This urge to help always leaves me fulfilled after seeing a peer’s day immediately brightened, although initially leaving me with no break or a lack of personal time in an eventful school day. I also share a love for sports like I’m sure many of you do too, from watching football, ice hockey and rugby to name a few to playing FIFA with some friends to unwind, ready for the chaos of the next day. I think we can all agree it’s important to remember to do things that we look forward to doing, no matter how busy our schedule is. Despite saying this, having some priority towards schoolwork and education is equally as imperative. Many of us, including me, wouldn’t put it at the top of our ‘to-do’ list, but the opportunities that emerge from sufficient qualifications and the enjoyment that will consequently come through future employment is, in my opinion, enough reward for a small sacrifice in looking at a few textbooks.

This contradiction between schoolwork and enjoyment of teenage life made me consider where the balance actually lies; when should we be studying and when should we be outside, enjoying the adventures and games that will soon diminish with age? These scales are becoming too shifted currently, too much expectation, too much fear, too much emotional pain. With teenage suicide currently at an all-time high, undoubtably due to the stress of examinations, I was reminded that I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to even be remotely close to this fate.

Therefore, through this speech, I’m making a pledge to you that will be followed during my time as Lead Prefect if I am so lucky as to become it. Not one of unrealistic proportions, promising the imminent arrival of bouncy castles, or water slides in blocks, or other such forms of entertainment, but instead a promise of realism. Freedom and true enjoyment will be essential because it isn’t a ‘treat’ or a ‘privilege’ – it is what young people, young adults deserve. We need to stop classifying people on academic achievements, and instead begin treating the young members of our society, me and you, as real people, being offered real opportunities, real adventures to demonstrate the traits that make us unique. Whether that may be a trip to the countryside to camp, or an expedition to test our fears rock-climbing, or even just a simple trip to visit those in a care home, our personality will grow to enable us to tackle the ‘outside world’ that we hear so often. That is what is missing at school. True learning.

We all come to school, and we will all leave school with qualifications, with one aim: to get a job. We then believe our mission is done. We have passed the test of childhood. Where is the genuine enjoyment in that, I ask? Where do we discover the intrigue to find out new things, to understand how the world works with real passion, to want to live to fulfil ourselves as people. The academic side of us, as people, will grow in unison with desire. In doing this collectively, first as a school and then hopefully as a nation, we will begin to see our society change and our country excel. We will begin to see scientific developments at a rapid rate, technological advances that defy any previous models. We will begin to see a country that cares. This may seem far-fetched and dramatically out of reach of the power of a Lead Prefect but the enthusiasm associated with a person trumps all. I will leave you with a single reflection. What do you do that you sincerely love? What makes you feel enlightened after completion and makes you intrigued to discover more? What would you like to do in the future, not for the potentially money, or the lack of work, but for the sheer enjoyment? This is something where I wish my list of answers can begin to grow, but without action, I’m afraid it will remain the same. When will we ever begin to change our perception of life if we don’t do it now? Our brains are finalising who we are, let’s make us more established people than we ever thought we could. I hope you will join me in our journey to becoming better!

Thank you.

Pupil 2:

Isolation. Too many teenagers today are suffering than ever before in recent history. Are you one of them?

I am here today to determine the problems we face- you face- as a student. Endless emptiness; the feeling many students experience due to loneliness- rupturing our souls as our aspirations drain away. Therefore, I will stitch these wounds as a prefect and piece the community together. Various sources from psychology professors have clearly stated how a large volume of students feel broken- like an unsolved puzzle. I wish to piece together this puzzle and bring us all together.

What is a prefect? The general notion of a prefect is someone who can be your friend- no matter who you are. They respect, rectify and respond to those who struggle on their journey through school. Being a prefect is not a privilege but a duty- you gain nothing but the warm feeling you have after helping others. Love breeds kindness; kindness breeds happiness.

I am no hero; I don’t wear a cape and I may not have the ability to fly- but that’s ok. You don’t need to be strong to support others. Within me- within you- is the substantial power to bring change. Do you want change? Whenever you feel like dirt, just remember that from soil grows life holding fruit that feeds us all. I’m able to be that catalyst that brings change within our halls- our school. Through my ability to respect those around me and listen, I am confident that we can all grow into better people.

If I am elected, I will attend to the neglected; those who sit through school feeling empty- struggling with their problems- should and will be able to express their feelings. I will personally make sure you are winning the battle against intense isolation. You can be the strongest person to exist- however stress and depression tends to not discriminate. Loneliness is like a dark tunnel; your echoes are empty, and no one knows you’re trapped. No one can carry on by themselves for forever. No one.

Therefore, I need your help. Will you help me? You are the one able to make this dream of greater unity possible. It is mentioned by Dr Hulling Leering that 36% of students feel forgotten about which can lead to more serious issues. Last I year I witnessed a kid from another school-not much younger than me- getting called ‘chubs’ due to their size. The look of defeat on his face was clear as he walked away- holding tears of sorrow behind his broken mask. This fate haunts countless kids who suffer all because of an endless cycle. That is why I need your help. That is why I need your vote.

The change I speak of is not out of grasp; together we can make this dream a reality. I may not have mighty fairy tale powers. We- may not be perfect. However, with your vote you have the power to begin the path of success for us all. With your help we can be that butterfly that could start a storm. You can be that change. Thank you.


Good morning year 10.

My name is *** of 10SSH, and I can already tell that you do not want to be here. Do not worry, this will be quick. Let me quickly as you something. Is it annoying when you have a promising idea, and it is brushed off? Well, I am here today to ask you to support me to become Lead prefect as I believe that I can give you the things you need and want.

Being lead prefect means that I will be the bridge between all of you and our tormentors, I mean teachers. That means that anything you want to say to them and anything you want them to give you can be made possible through me. It means that I would be overseeing liaising with our Head of Year about our wellbeing and any issues we have. Meaning meetings, meetings and... more meetings.Sounds boring right? Well, somebody must do it and I would be happy to take that responsibility off your hands.

I think that I would be a good lead prefect because I do what a lot of teachers fail to do- listen. I am also a good leader, as said by many. Our year deserves someone who is willing to put in the effort for them, someone who will make our year better and someone who will give us what we want. And as I stand before you all, I tell you today that that someone is me!

Year 10 is somewhat important, and we should have the option to get through it as smoothly as possible. Like I said before, I am a good listener so I could and would listen to all your ideas attentively and unless it is something impossible like “Get rid of homework” -which believe me, I want to- I will try my hardest to get it done for you. I’ve also got ideas of my own, like ‘making the school foods cheaper’ as honestly, who wants to pay £1.85 for ONE burger? I know I do not, and I am certain that you agree. After all, over 80% of our class has made at least one complaint about the unfair prices of the canteen. And by making me lead prefect, I could fix that problem for you.

In conclusion, a vote for me is a vote for change. It is a vote for more freedom and a vote for happiness. If I become lead prefect, I promise that I will do my best, to make you all happy, and to give you what you deserve, because after all, I am on your side, and I am willing to put in the effort, just for you.

Good morning year 10. My name is *** from 10SSH, and I am interested in being the prefect for our year.  Are you all tired of every decision in our school being made by people who are not directly affected by them?  I am tired if it too, so I am asking for your support to ensure I become for voice for each of you:  All of us!

I believe a lead prefect is someone who can bridge the gap between students and staff.  I don’t even want there to be a gap but, while there is, a lead prefect will ensure all messages, concerns, queries travel that bridge from student to staff.   We are currently being educated in a way that is new for teachers and new for us.  I want there to be a forum in which we can honestly and openly discuss our worries about this new lockdown and the impact it is having on our schooling.  Are we going to make the same progress?  What if we do not?  What about our GCSEs?  Will we even take them?  Most importantly, will this ever end?

I get on with everybody in school.  I know I am approachable and can listen without judgement.  Speaking to adults has always come easy to me, and I believe I have the confidence to relay your messages in respectful, coherent and articulate way that ensure they will be listened, and crucially actioned!

Some of the most important things I would change if I became prefect is – encourage a wider range of extra-curricular activities that everyone knows about and are accessible to each of us all. Secondly, food:  It is what keeps us going during the day yet many students would argue that it still needs improvement, I think (if possible) a wider choice of food in the canteen would be appreciated by everyone in our school, and would be something I would mention to staff and seiner leadership.  What we can do at lunch and break is minimal at best, non-existent at worst.  Let me change that! I’d like to ensure that when we come out of this lockdown there will be targeted support for students who have struggled or fallen behind, as undoubtedly some will have suffered more than others. As I’m sure many teachers are aware, the 2 lockdowns we have endured have led to many students neglecting there work. In fact 40% of students never engage with remote learning at all.  With us being in such a crucial year, we can’t afford to miss out of our valuable learning- especially with GCSEs getting closer. What is the plan for these students? 

I want a school, as do you, where staff and students are mutually respectful of each other always.  Respect breeds respect just as kindness breeds kindness. And a happy working environment is crucial for learning.

A vote for me is a vote for you.  Let me put you at the forefront of decision making.  Let me be your voice.  You know what you need to do – I need you to help me so I can help you. 


Pupil 1:

Now I know many of you may not have heard of a Prefect before but don’t worry, I’m here to explain. Prefects are students who are in contact with both students and teachers ,for the reason of helping and providing support for those in need. They have many roles, such as helping to stop bullying , to pick up litter/trash , they also can provide counseling to those who have suffered with mental or physical abuse.

P2: I believe I possess the skills needed for Lead Prefect because I am a very likeable person. An example of my skills would be that I have multiple friend groups that are completely different from each other so I can handle different situations and people. Furthermore, I am known for being kind , warming and caring for people even strangers.

P3: It is known that Year 10 is an incredibly important year in school. One thing I will guarantee you all if I am elected Lead Prefect is to stop bullying that does happen which teachers don’t know about and help with any projects that could benefit the whole year. Over 80% of students agree that bullying has become a problem which I am to stop or at least get to 10% , also I would like to spread more happiness around the school because 1/5 of students suffer from stress due to the pressure of exams next year. 

P4: So now that I’ve got your attention, you may be thinking ‘what now?’ Well, here’s how you can help/vote for me you could apply to be a helper whose job is help me help you to put it in to simpler terms you would be a mini prefect or you can vote for me which in return will help year 10 in the future

Conclusion: Thank you for your time and for listening to me today. I know you will make the right decision. Finally, remember that the school should be a place to be different instead of blending in to the crowd . Don’t hide your gifs show them.

Pupil 2:

Good morning all, I am so honoured that each of you have given your well deserved time up today to listen to why I should be a lead prefect. I hear your whimpering and pules of agony and I see your faces of dread and exhaustion but don’t worry this will be more entertaining and enjoyable than your usual assembly. Wishfully by the end of today one us being myself or one of these candidates will be chosen. 

Why me ? what even is a prefect ? I hear you ask. Don’t worry I wont boar you with the full terms of what a prefect is but I will tell you that being one will able me to engulf each and every one of your ideas to improve our second home (by which I mean the school) and help you overwhelm your worries and doubts. Being a prefect I will be able to change and encourage the school government to modernise and improve our school either being uniform or the actual building itself. 

I wouldn’t put myself out there to contribute to things that involve me to be social able or an extrovert but today I decided to change that and I hope that with my change I will be able motivate you all to do the same for those who wouldn’t put themselves out there either. Being a prefect is a frightening thing as my opinions will matter and as a lead prefect I will make sure yours do to. Since I was a child I never expected that I would finally face my anxiety to be up here today as I used to never raise my hand or set up myself for anything even reading out loud but today is the day I hope to change that and pursue myself to do more like this even if I don’t get the role. 

I am determined, willing and driven to consume your ideas and learn how each and everyone of you think this school can be a more creative and your own. I am set on changing the school to be a more friendly and affable place. I know deep down you all have your own opinions and thoughts . However, I think that by working together we can all change what we need to and do our best to try. 

By voting for me you will be able to help me to encourage those who need it in the future and help me boost my self esteem to be more confident in helping others. Thank you all for giving me the time of day. Most of you probably don’t  care and couldn’t be bothered weather I win or not but please consider me as someone who can lead all of you to be the best you can. 

thank you